Although the FCC banned the use of subliminal messages in advertising in the 1970’s, the use of subliminal hashtags in legal briefs remains #A-Okay.
Four Essential Steps to Being Interesting
The problem? Something known in marketing circles as interestingness. In other words, knock off the authenticity schtick. It’s boring. Just be interesting. Here’s how.
Practical and Ethical Considerations for the Law Office Hot Tub
Before you install an office hot tub, prepare sufficiently for staff and client use. We also recommend that you address two important practical and ethical issues prior to taking that first hot dip with clients.
If Your Butt Itches, You Should Scratch It
Today’s basic question that perplexes a surprising number of experienced lawyers: what if your butt itches?
How to Hire and Employ Scriveners for Your Data Backup
A scrivening solution for your office provides a solid approach for data backup and also provides much needed local employment.
Four Simple Steps to Become a Real Lawyer
It’s hard to be a real lawyer, especially after Tweeting and cofficing at the local cafe. Here’s how.
Key Olfactory Considerations for Your Practice
An oft-overlooked consideration is the olfactory brand you want to impress upon your clients. Just how do you make your office emanate confidence and competence?
Chank Submits His Application for Thought Leader Status
In a letter to fellow thought leaders Kevin O’Keefe, Chris Brogan, and Ashton Kutcher, Chank outlines his experience and his unwavering dedication to the skill of thinking.
National Food Holidays: Leveraging Your Law Firm’s Social Media Strategy
There’s no better way to socialize with a client than with a hand-written letter focused on a targeted National Food Holiday. But before you get your ink all wet and scribble out or tweet a motivational marketing message about bicarbonate of soda (December 30), remember that you really need to know the food preferences or limitations of your clients or target market.
A Lawyer’s Essential Multimedia Guide to Finding Things with Google
How to work with a service called “Google” in order to search for and find things on the internet. With easy to follow professional screenshots.