It’s not about the sucky message, it’s about how you deliver the sucky message.
Archives for January 2011
Top Five Uses for Your Aging iPad
In addition to at one time being a revolutionary electronic device, the iPad came with several built-in functions that few people have yet to use, all thanks to the geniuses at Apple.
Top Three Clouds Lawyers Should Compute
Weather experts have predicted that cloud computing will take over the legal profession by 2012. We figured it was about time we looked into this.
Kiss Ass Like a Twitter Pro
How to use Twitter at an important legal conference, including the skills needed to really kiss ass like a professional tweeter and conference-goer.
How to Practice Artisanal Law
While we are big believers in innovating as soon as you have to, innovation may not always be the best choice. Sometimes,
Headlines Are the Only Things People Read
Four Life Coaches Worth Hiring – And One to Avoid
A life coach is typically the first person you think about when sitting naked in front of the television late at night drinking Cutty Sark
Verbiate Your Nouns for Legal Shock & Awe
The verbiating of American legal writing, while the bane of some legal writing instructors, can actually help you win arguments and friends. We’ve got tips on some of the best nouns to verbiate.
Like Gas, Bill Your Time by the Gallon
Get away from a time-based billing system and use a gallon-based system instead. Plus, getting gallons of legal advice just sounds better.
Boost Law Firm Profits with a Collaborative Aggression Focus
Collaborative aggression is an agreed-upon legal process that may involve two-by-fours but could also include any non-lethal beat down. It may just be the future of a modern law practice.