If you are wiling to do the work and rebrand yourself successfully, we’re not seeing any ethical considerations standing in the way of becoming a badass motherfucker, at least as an attorney.
Keys to Building an Awesome Door-to-Door Law Firm
If you are wondering how to build business the old-fashioned way, we’ve got some tips to get you in the right direction.
Five Trashy Lawyer Romance Novels
With summer now in full swing, the BLB staff said I should share the five trashy lawyer romance novels that are obviously based on portions of my life.
A Sphincter of Criminal Defense Lawyers
With temperatures above 100 degrees, we spent the last two days at the corporate lakeside cabin coming up with names of various groups of attorneys.
Mr. Johnson: Adaptable Attorney
While most may know him as the unluckiest of customers, those who know Mr. Johnson closely say that he is one hell of an attorney.
Start a Law Firm for Under $57,000
We’ve now done the research, considered all the basic needs of a practicing lawyer, and have come up with the definitive list of what it takes to start a law firm.
Lawyer Whispering: The Basics
If you are a struggling lawyer, a recent law school graduate, a burned out paralegal, or even a successful horse whisperer, consider a career as a lawyer whisperer. Here are some things to understand.
How I Became a Fake Lawyer
How did I manage to become a wildly successful fake lawyer proselytizer in just a few months? Here’s how.
Top 5 Things I Learned While Drunk Off My Ass at an ABA Tech Show
Here’s an inspirational video to figure out how to make your wasted thoughts profitable. It also provides some top notch advice on blogging.
T. “Scotch” Reynolds: Third Amendment Lawyer
Renowned Third Amendment lawyer T. Scotch Reynolds talks about quartering soldiers and his life in the spotlight of Third Amendment jurisprudence.