A number of attorneys have thought about having a law firm web site. For those that do not yet have a web site, or for those thinking about enhancing their current site on Yahoo, deciding on appropriate images can be an initial stumbling block. It doesn’t have to be, especially with the wealth of information and millions of stock images available. If you are stumped by picking an image for your site, here are four key image categories that can provide that oft-missing Wow factor from many law firm websites today.
Gavel on Stack of Documents. When laypersons think of the law they naturally think of a gavel sitting on a stack of documents. After all, most lawyers carry a gavel with them and will pull it out in client meetings or traffic accidents to do two things: 1) restore order; and 2) underscore their identity and authority. I’ve actually pulled mine out at a Starbuck’s several times to remind the baristas that I’m a gavel-carrying lawyer. Other similar images include 3D Guy Smashing Something With Judge Gavel and Symbol Man with Gavel. If you want to appeal to a diverse clientele, consider Black Mature Female Judge with Gavel. Or if you are a die-hard Shpoonkler, consider Online Auction Concept with Gavel on Laptop.
Five Old Books on Shelf. Modern lawyers surround themselves with great looking law books. For that reason, laypersons expect to see lawyers holding a Fed. Supp. and smoking a pipe, or some combination thereof. Because of the growing unpopularity of smoking, however, we recommend omitting pipes and other smoking paraphernalia such as blunts, hookahs, and hay butts. With books, the older the better. We don’t know why, but modern clients really dig dusty old law books from the 18th century that are falling apart. Good law book images to consider include Man in Suit Holding Law Books Against White Background, Blue Law Books Stacked on a Bookshelf, Young Lawyer Accusing, and Scale of Justice Over Old Book and Old Map.
Man Holding Huge Fountain Pen. Action photos are critical to assure your clients that you get out of the office and do stuff, like in court, Sir Speedy, or at a coffee shop. Action figure attorney photos are a great way to do this and there luckily are hundreds of stock photo options available. Some of the best include Prisoner Celebrating in Court, Business Man or Lawyer Ready to Take Notes, Pretty Lawyer Carrying Briefcase, Attorney Drinking Water While Discussing Legal Documents with Client, or Lawyer Chasing Ambulance.
Business Man Contemplating Over Something at Work. Face it, the modern lawyer is paid to think. Without a ponderous image on the home page, you are losing clients who may believe you don’t think enough or that you are a monkey just filling out forms. Gain that confidence back with strategic use of “thinking” attorney images. Business Man Contemplating Over Something at Work works well. So does. Or for a more precise practice area focus, consider web site gems such as Well-Dressed Man in Chair Looking Sadly at His Ring or Businesswoman Banker Lawyer on Financial District Street or Business Man in Empty Warehouse with Barrel.
With the proper use of gavels, law books, attorney action figures, and thinking people, you can easily create a dynamic and powerful law firm website. Let us know how many of these image categories work for you or what other similar images you find that exude the essential lawyer gestalt.
While gavel on a stack of documents is undoubtedly strong, no cheesy stock images can compete with the scales of justice and the American flag.
Sue nailed the quadfecta. Another true quadfecta would be Bible, Gavel, Scales of Justice and American Flag on White Background.
Another great thing about Five Old Books on a Shelf is that the books have no lettering of any kind on the bindings. There is no way to know what the books are about or if they are even law books. They are just old.
Exactly. It allows you to take a magic marker and write your law firm name on them to make it look like your firm has been around for 100 or so years.
@gyi – great point. this one’s description is “Scales of Justice, US Flag, gavel and law books. Focus on Scales of Justice.”
now that’s four great cheesy images for the cost-conscious lawyer.
Dude, you can’t just whole sale ripoff Lawyerist material like that.
I thought that’s what blogging was all about. Plus, I was on a train with them recently and overhead a lot of stuff that was worth ripping off. You’re seeing the fruits of my eavesdropping now.
These are good tips and all, but for my money, there is no better lawyer website than that of Breaking Bad’s own Saul Goodman: