It’s easy to forget one of the best role models around for a modern lawyer: the Dude.
Practical and Ethical Considerations for the Law Office Hot Tub
Before you install an office hot tub, prepare sufficiently for staff and client use. We also recommend that you address two important practical and ethical issues prior to taking that first hot dip with clients.
If Your Butt Itches, You Should Scratch It
Today’s basic question that perplexes a surprising number of experienced lawyers: what if your butt itches?
Three Steps to a Stapleless Office
With traditional gurus playing up paperless law offices, it’s time someone tells you how to go stapleless. Luckily, we do.
Paperweights: Document Management Workhorses
While Clio and RocketMatter and NinjaDoc get all the glory, the paperweight keeps on performing. And then some. Here are our tips to make better use of a document management workhorse.