We’ve posted before on basic tips to help streamline your practice, such as A Lawyer’s Essential Multimedia Guide to Finding Things with Google. That post featured some great screenshots to walk you through how to use Google to find things. Today, we are pleased to announce the first webinar of the Big Legal Brain Back to Basics Series. With so much confusion about technology, we help you focus on the fundamentals, like how to double click on a folder to open it and view the contents. So, sit back, push play, and in two minutes you’ll have a great refresher course on how to use your computer’s double click function.
[box type=”tick” style=”rounded” border=”full”]About Our Webinar Technology. To produce our webinars, we use a Samsung Galaxy HD video recorder and a bright light bulb. Simply press “record” and walk through the steps you would normally take on the computer screen. Try to keep the camera phone fixed to avoid any onset of nausea among viewers. For best results, turn off your phone’s ringer.[/box]
I call B.S.
No way the real C. Hank Peters uses a Macbook, let alone has a tray of dozens of programs (including Chrome, Firefox, and Photoshop). At best, I could believe that Chank uses a pre-Lenovo IBM laptop. At best.
This must be an imposter of some sort.
Nice catch. It’s actually borrowed from our resident practical futurist. That explains my troubles with the double click. On my IBM 5140 PC Convertible, there’s no such thing as this “double click.” You just wait.
That also explains the Adult Movies folder. Not mine. Greg’s on thin ice here at the office now.