Every year, mediocre blawgers endure the annual beauty contests that honor a select number of “top blawgs,” disappointing us and hundreds of thousands of other blawgers who continue to post in obscurity. No more. Today, Big Legal Brain is pleased to announce the launch of the MehBlawg 1000, our quest to find and honor the world’s top 1,000 or so mediocre blawgs. Know of a mediocre blawg? Do you write one yourself? Or do you want to nominate a blawg that’s so overrated that it deserves to be knocked down a notch? What’s stopping you? Now’s your chance.
[toggle title_open=”What You Get” title_closed=”The Swag” hide=”yes” border=”no” style=”default”]Honorees will receive recognition in our MehBlawg 1000 Print Directory, which will be faxed to honorees along with a laminated Honoree Badge for placement on their mediocre blawgs.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Nominate Your Blawg or Someone Else’s Blawg” title_closed=”Nominate a Blawg” hide=”yes” border=”no” style=”default”]Nominate your blawg or someone else’s blawg by clicking here [Ooops, sorry, folks, park’s closed. Sign outside should have told you that]. and completing a mercifully short nomination form. No names or emails required.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”Current Nominees” title_closed=”Current Nominees” hide=”yes” border=”no” style=”default”]Check out the current nominees and what people are saying about them here. Or get updates about the contest on the Big Legal Brain Facebook page.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open=”The Rules” title_closed=”The Rules” hide=”yes” border=”no” style=”default”][unordered_list style=”arrow”]
- Must be a blawg started within the last 24 hours.
- Must have at least one post in the last nine months.
- Must be about the law, reference the law in some way, or talk about lawyers.
- If we receive less than 1,000 entries, we may change the title to MehBlawg 37 or So. Or we may just keep it at 1000. Our choice.
- We will select the top 1,000 or so at our own discretion. Probably over beer and when we seem to have the time. We may just pick them all. Again, our choice. This isn’t about excellence, folks.
[/unordered_list] [/toggle]