We have a talented bunch of brand professionals here in the office, so when this whole Rakofsky thing hit the fan, we put a crack team of legal marketers on the job. We were especially concerned about sitting around doing nothing at a time when lawyers across the country were struggling to understand how this could have happened. Today, we are pleased to announce “Rakofsky Against the Internet: the Movie.” Our trailer is complete, and we hope to see folks at the premiere in the fall, Cannes shortly thereafter. Take a look and let us know what you think.
[…] Courtesy of the always very clever Big Legal Brain: […]
[…] But before I do so, a moment needs to be taken to mention the lawsuit referred to as Rakofsky v. Internet. This is big news. A young lawyer, Joseph Rakofsky, sued a number of well-known legal bloggers for defamation after being criticized for how he handled a murder trial. Many of the named defendants are Blawg Review alums. The blawgophere is now filled with discussions about the lawsuit and, by all accounts, its vexations and frivolous nature. Mark Bennett has a list of the posts here. PointofLaw.com notes that this lawsuit is a perfect illustration as to why stronger anti-SLAPP laws are needed. There is even talk, at least on BigLegalBrain.com, of the lawsuit being turned into a feature film. […]
I have not laughed that hard in a long time! Thank you!
My God! It’s full of win!
The musical production re excellent.
Where’s the link for pre-sale tickets? I’m thinking of some block purchases. In fact, I’m thinking of buying tickets for entire business districts in NYC, DC, and Philadelphia.