In case you were wondering about my drastic reduction in posts in recent weeks, it’s because of the big firm legal humor site Bitter Lawyer. I write a column for Bitter Lawyer every other Thursday and, because of intense quality control there, it takes me a lot of time to get those posts done and approved. How did I get roped into that deal? Well, the swell guys over at Lawyerist Media, the outfit that now owns Bitter Lawyer and half of all of the legal blogs in Nebraska and North Dakota, showed me the analytics: 3.7 million hits per day, all unique, with 2.1 million of those hits from big firm partners. I wanted in on that action and, on top of that, they promised free booze, my own vending machine, and a pair of Allen Edmonds every time someone clicked on an affiliate ad. Not bad. I took them up on the offer.
So, in case you’ve missed them, I’ve had a few gems on what is now known as Chank Day at Bitter Lawyer, including:[unordered_list style=”green-dot”]
- Tips to Manufacture Outrage in Legal Writing. To be a successful big firm lawyer, you need to understand the art of manufactured outrage.
- Optimize Office Signage to Advance in the Firm. Where I finally get to put my J.D. to good use by changing my nameplate to read “Dr. C. Hank Peters.”
- Consider Personal Microbranding to Set You Apart. Personal microbranding can set you apart, create an aura of competence, and lead to priority in the donut pool. I offer my top considerations.
- Why Big Law Associates Should Listen to Me. My liquor-free version of why BigLaw should listen to me, now.
I have another one out today on The 7 Less-Deadly Sins of Summer Associating. If that link doesn’t work now, it will pretty quickly. See, that’s how these Bitter Lawyer guys roll. Pure quality stuff.